Frequently Asked Questions


  • Our physical location is in Beverly Hills. The address is: 315 S. Beverly Dr. Ste 307, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

    We also provide Telehealth services throughout California.

  • All therapists at Beacon Psychotherapy have a background and training in psychodynamic therapy, a traditional form of talk therapy that focuses on understanding the influence of past experiences on current behavior. This approach aims to increase self-awareness and emotional insight. Additionally, our therapists specialize in various modalities such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based therapy, LGBTQ affirmative therapy, and trauma-focused therapy, allowing us to tailor our approach to best meet the unique needs of each client.

  • Finding a therapist who is a good fit is crucial for effective therapy. Studies show that a strong therapeutic alliance can significantly improve treatment outcomes. At Beacon Psychotherapy, we match you with a therapist based on your needs and preferences. It's important to feel comfortable with your therapist, so we encourage trying a session to see if it feels right. If it doesn't, you can switch to another therapist. Your comfort and connection with your therapist are essential for your therapeutic journey.

  • The frequency of therapy sessions plays a crucial role in fostering personal growth and healing. Regular sessions, typically scheduled weekly, provide a consistent space for reflection, exploration, and progress. This frequency allows for continuity in addressing and working through issues, building trust with your therapist, and integrating insights into your daily life. However, we understand that weekly sessions may not suit everyone's needs. Some clients find that building up to weekly sessions or working every other week better fits their lifestyle and therapeutic goals. At Beacon Psychotherapy, we collaborate with you to find a schedule that supports your well-being and growth effectively.

  • It’s completely normal to feel unsure about starting therapy, especially if it’s your first time. At Beacon Psychotherapy, we begin with a consultation to make the process as smooth and comfortable as possible. During this initial meeting, we’ll discuss why you’re seeking therapy now, explore the types of therapy that might be the best fit for your needs, and decide whether in-person or remote sessions work best for you.

    This consultation is a chance for you to ask any questions and share your concerns in a safe, judgment-free environment. From there, we’ll guide you through what to expect in your first full session, where your therapist will focus on getting to know you better and setting the foundation for your therapy journey.

    For more details on what happens during your first session, visit our initial session page.

  • We aim to make your first session as comfortable and productive as possible. During your initial session, your therapist will spend some time getting to know you and your concerns, and start working with you to develop a treatment plan and goals. For more information on the first session click here.

  • We do not accept insurance, but we provide superbills for clients with out-of-network benefits. We have partnered with Thrizer to facilitate this process.

  • Deciding to start therapy is a personal decision that can be beneficial at various stages of life or relationship. Individuals might consider therapy if they are experiencing overwhelming emotions, struggling with relationships, feeling stuck in patterns of behavior, coping with significant life changes, or simply seeking personal growth and self-discovery.

    Couples may benefit from therapy when facing communication issues, trust issues, intimacy concerns, navigating major life transitions together, or preparing for marriage through premarital counseling. Therapy provides a safe and supportive space to explore thoughts and feelings with a trained professional who can help individuals and couples gain insight, develop coping strategies, and achieve their goals. Whether facing specific challenges or seeking deeper understanding and connection, therapy can be a valuable resource for improving overall well-being and relationship satisfaction.

  • Our fees typically range between $200 and $300 per session, depending on the type and duration of the session. We understand that therapy costs can be a consideration for many individuals, which is why some of our clinicians offer a limited number of sliding scale slots based on financial need. Sliding scale fees can help make therapy more accessible to those who may not otherwise be able to afford our standard rates. Additionally, while we do not accept insurance directly, we do provide superbills for clients with out-of-network benefits, which can help offset costs significantly depending on your insurance plan. This means that depending on your insurance plan, you may be eligible for reimbursement. For example, if the session fee is $250 and your insurance reimburses at 50%, your out-of-pocket expense could be reduced to $125 per session.

  • Investing in therapy is an investment in your well-being and personal growth. While the cost of therapy may seem significant, it's important to consider the long-term benefits. Therapy can lead to improved relationships, better coping mechanisms, reduced symptoms of anxiety or depression, and increased overall life satisfaction. When evaluating the cost, think about the impact on your daily life and future. For many, the positive changes and enhanced quality of life far outweigh the financial commitment. Additionally, some clients find that the potential cost savings from improved mental health can offset the expense of therapy over time.

  • You can schedule a free phone consultation by clicking here, or by contacting us directly via phone or email.